The Bermuda Chess Association is getting set to host their Rapid Chess tournament on Sunday, October 27 at the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club.
A spokesperson said, “It is a great opportunity for anyone in Bermuda who wants to gain experience of an official chess tournament, in a great location. The BCA [Bermuda Chess Association] is volunteer run and puts on such open tournaments to encourage players of all ages to come out and enjoy the event.
“The time controls [15 mins per player + 15 secs increment per move] are shorter than many other tournaments, meaning that it is a fun, quick format for people to play.
“It is open for viewers too. There will be 5 rounds, followed by award ceremony. There are great prizes on offer, in total $1700 cash.
“Registration happens at Don’s Barber shop on Front street [near Supermart], or online.”

Tournament Schedule
FIDE rated Swiss System Tournament in 5 rounds.
Round 1: 10:00 am
Round 2: 11:00 am
Lunch break
Round 3: 1:00 pm
Round 4: 2:00 pm
Round 5: 3:00 pm
Awards Ceremony
Technical regulations
This is an Open tournament for all players.
Time limit per player: 15 minutes + 15 seconds increments for every move starting from move one.
Players that don’t show for a round will not be allowed to play in the next round.
The final ranking order of the players is determined by the number of points scored. If at the end of the tournament two or more players are tied for the first place or for any prize, the tie shall be broken as in accordance to the following criteria for Swiss events:
Results of direct encounters between the tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other),
Buccholz Cut 1,
The greater number of games played with black,
The greater number of wins.
Players will be paired in accordance with official FIDE Swiss System rules. If players are found to be unrated, they will be paired by relative strength at the sole discretion of the chief arbiter.
Prize fund
1ST PLACE $1000.00
2ND PLACE $500.00
3RD PLACE $200.00
Registration for the tournament is open at Don’s Barbershop located at 119 Front Street
or online at .
Entries shall include Full name and FIDE ID if available.
FIDE ID by Bermuda Chess Federation is going to be issued to all players that currently don’t have a FIDE ID.
A registration fee of $50.00 will be applied to all players.
More information
Official website:
The Bermuda Chess Association looks forward to welcoming everyone!