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The Bermuda Chess Championship 2017

Daniel Cabral

The winner of the 2017 Bermuda Chess Championship was crowned this week after seven rounds, and seven weeks of exciting chess. Heading into the penultimate round, leader Sergey Goncharov found himself in a crucial game against opponent, Brian Davis, where a win with white would guarantee him 1st place. After a tense opening battle and sacrificing two pawns and a rook, Sergey gained the initiative and went on to win and clinch the tournament.

Although the winner was already decided, the final round undoubtedly saw the most dramatic chess of the championship, as five players all battled for contention of the second-place spot. All eyes were on board 2, where Candidate Master Sami Lill sacrificed his Bishop in dramatic fashion against Joel Bamogo for two dangerous past pawns. With all other games concluded, and time ticking down on the clock, Joel managed to defend the position successfully and go on to snatch second place. The final tournament standings were as follows:

1st Place: Sergey Goncharov

2nd Place: Joel Bamogo

3rd Place: Sami Lill

Congratulations to the new 2017 Bermuda Chess Champion, Sergey Goncharov, who finished on an impressive score of 7/7, and to all players who participated in the event.

The Bermuda Chess Association would also like to extend their many thanks to the Bernews family for their coverage of the event, and to The Bermuda Housing Corporation for their hospitality in providing the players a comfortable playing venue.

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